Field data cloud transmission system
SESAME system


We tackle environmental issues globally.
Our system is expected to be helpful to resolve envilomnental issues such as flood, drought, CO2 reduction and so on.

For safer society
By setting simplified and inexpensive instruments at wide area, we propose you disaster prevention such as flood and landslide caused by abnormal climate.

For brighter future
By protecting food and agriculture, we support IT technology utilization for agriculture. And through this activity, we aim to contribute to sustainable development for it.

We support field data monitoring system which is simple, and maintenance is less required.

We depvelop and operate SESAME (Sensory data transmission service assisted by Midori Enginnering Lab.) system based on our expericence of construction consultant .
We call "Field data" as the information such as water level, weather, picture, and amount of radiation. Conventionally, we had to get this information by going directly to the instruments which stores them. It causes many costs of moving and employment. Our SESAME system cuts these costs.
You only have to set SESAME instrument to the area! Our system sends you field data almost real-time.
And more, you can get alert by setting "danger threshold".
Our system can be customized for your usage, so you can use our system at minimum price by removing functions you don't use. We propose you our system which suits your purpose such as flood prevention or river or holding pond, disaster prevetion caused by abnormal climate like torrential rain, monitoring crop product like monitoring temperature of PVC greenhouse and draignage volume of drain, animals and plants observation.

All Field data from each sensors is sent to SESAME-WEB ,cloud monitoring service.
You can watch the data by logging in to SESAME-WEB from anywhere, anytime.

What SESAME can do?

We propose you various solutions to protect the environment, fertilize food and agriculture, and prevent disaster.

Introduction of SESAME series

SESAME system configuration diagram


SESAMEⅡ series

Each device sends data to cloud server through mobile telephone network. And you can monitor them with WEB browser.

SESAMEⅡ-02d General purpose sensor available

Maximum 5 items (water level, rainall, etc.)

  • In 2017, we joined the water level measuring test of sewer system held by JIWET.
SESAMEⅡ-05d Dedicated to WXT530 series by VAISALA. Weather data
SESAMEⅡ-06d Dedicated to U-53, water quality checker by HORIBA. Water quality data

SESAMEⅢ series (WIP)

By setting many LPWA supported devices, collecting their data to mother device and then the mother device send their data to cloud server, you can get field data of hard to secure sufficient power supply and wiring.

SESAME camera

You can analyse the data more acclately by using this and SESAMEⅡ or Ⅲ series together.

SESAME-CAMERA Dedicated camera (USB connection) Still picture
SESAME-VIEW Dedicated to network camera by Panasonic. Still picture and movie